Wednesday, December 31, 2008

12/30/08 My own Compooter!

I am posting out of order - but I thought these were too cute to wait on. Lacie and Paul got laptop computers for Christmas from MawMaw Edith and PawPaw Scott. They are so excited about them. Lacie has been wanting a computer for a long time and asks us often, "can I write my name" on our laptop. Her computer is still a challenge to her so she prefers Paul's at this time but she will grow into it. It is the Disney Princess laptop. It has a QWERTY keyboard which was important for me (not many for her age group had a QWERTY keyboard). Anyway - here are some pics:

Lacie dancing with excitement over getting her own compooter.

They love playing with their compooters.

Coming soon - a slide show of our multiple Christmases!

Happy New Year!