Thursday, October 13, 2005

October 13 - Lacie is a year old

Today Lacie turns a year old. We are so happy to celebrate this special day with her. We have truly been blessed - as I believe I report each time I post. This time I recognize our blessings because although we only got to have her from nine months old, many families do not meet their babies until after they have already turned a year old. So, to have had three extra months to spend with her, bonding and doing most of her “firsts” with her - is very special. We are celebrating her birthday on Saturday so we will not have any “Birthday” photos to share today - but just wait! I will include a Lacie photo or two before I close - for often times I am sure some just want to see the new picture.

I have thought a lot about Lacie’s birth mom again this week and especially today - and wonder about her. That woman will never know the bond I feel towards or with her and how much we have been blessed by her loss. The more I grow to love Lacie, which is deeper with each passing day, I just cannot imagine looking into that special face a year ago and letting her go. So, today I also pray for a wonderful woman in China, who will always be connected to us by an invisible red thread - and by a little girl who has literally blessed the hearts of so many people who have met her so far, both in the East and the West. I do not really know what she thought or felt a year ago, but I believe that she loves Lacie and chose for her what she thought was best under whatever circumstances she had to work. So I pray that God gives her peace today as she most likely recognizes this special day as well.

Today is a special day too for another reason - and it is because it marks the three month anniversary of us becoming a forever family. The 13th of every month will always be extra special for us. I personally cannot believe it has already been three months and as I have said before, “it has ONLY been three months?” Lacie is now about 20 lbs. She technically has 8 teeth and officially has 6 (Two teeth on bottom have still not completely come all the way up.) She is crawling with skill and pulls up on everything. She can stand by herself (until she realizes she is doing it and then sits real quick). She can drink from a sippy cup (with handles) without help. She can feed herself most foods on her own (not yet using a spoon but holds one while eating.). She is also figuring out she has somewhat of a choice – now denying certain foods like the veggies she once loved. She has discovered chicken this last month and ground burger and other foods and loves Cheddar Cheese.

Lacie’s love is growing daily for her daddy and she does not cry when I leave for work. John has lately picked her up early from daycare and spent additional afternoon time with her. She still loves mommy and still offers her kisses and hugs generously. When she has not seen me all day she will hug me tight, make an “ahhhhh” sound and pat me on the shoulder. That is totally totally priceless and special!

I am attaching pictures of her first portraits at 10.5 months old. We think our daughter is just totally awesome!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lacie,

Happy 1st birthday!
"God danced the day you were born! You are loved. You are beautiful. You are a gift from God - his own possesion. You are a gift to all mankind - His gift of love to them."

We love you very much,
Allison, Dennis, Gavin and Sydney

Blogger jadepearl said...

Happy Birthday Lacie!!!
She is just soooooooo cute!!!


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